Frankie Tease
Hot Takes of a Cult Kid
Nature Boy - Carbon Nation Cult - Eligio Bishop - GA - USA

Nature Boy - Carbon Nation Cult - Eligio Bishop - GA - USA

vs. the Original Nature Boy eden ahbez, CA

Nature Boy, 3God, Eligio Bishop, Carbon Nation Cult Leader vs. The Nature Boy Cult in 1948, by eden ahbez

Read my previous two articles from 2022

Night & Day Television Network

“Loyal wanted to be black” @sweetma4life on above video.


Hear Frankie Files Podcast on cults, coercion, sexuality with a focus on adult children of cults.


Frankie Tease
Hot Takes of a Cult Kid
A cult kid takes on issues of society with the irreverence and opinion based on surviving a world she was never prepared for: special focus on cults, coercion, sexuality. Also check out the Tuesday show Frankie Files Podcast.