Frankie Tease
Hot Takes of a Cult Kid
Why 'Post Cult Adult Kids' Are Often Leaders or Loners

Why 'Post Cult Adult Kids' Are Often Leaders or Loners

An Inside Scoop

How you were raised greatly influences your entire life mind set. The nature / nurture argument holds up. The industry just doesn’t want to hear how it keeps getting things wrong. It’s okay, I’ve got that covered for ya.

The final Frankie Files of 2023

is a Mega Recap (Ep.78) looking back at the year of great guests who know something about cults, in an entire hour of clips. Covering: One Taste, Carbon Nation, Jehovah’s Witness, Twelve Tribes, Profundity Yours, The Body Cult, Bob Jone University, Heaven’s Gate, Agape Boarding School, Morningland, La Luz Del Mundo and more.

Interviews with : Clint Heacock, Stephen Mather,

, Sara Tasneem, Brett Harper, Syran Warner, Lee O., Steve Ryan, Stephen Mercer, Mom Gopi X, and .

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Frankie Tease
Hot Takes of a Cult Kid
A cult kid takes on issues of society with the irreverence and opinion based on surviving a world she was never prepared for: special focus on cults, coercion, sexuality. Also check out the Tuesday show Frankie Files Podcast.