Frankie Tease
Hot Takes of a Cult Kid
Review The Program (pt. 2), Netflix Doc., Katherine Kubler and Ivy Ridge Academy, Cult Indoctrination in The Troubled Teen Industry

Review The Program (pt. 2), Netflix Doc., Katherine Kubler and Ivy Ridge Academy, Cult Indoctrination in The Troubled Teen Industry

Part 2, It Gets Worse

Part 2. The facilities make more the longer your teen is there, the worse a picture they paint of them, the more cash they take in. It’s a scam. The Ivy Ridge story loops in another awful location.

Check out Frankie Files Ep. 84 last Tues.

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Frankie Tease
Hot Takes of a Cult Kid
A cult kid takes on issues of society with the irreverence and opinion based on surviving a world she was never prepared for: special focus on cults, coercion, sexuality. Also check out the Tuesday show Frankie Files Podcast.