Frankie Tease
Frankie Files Podcast
Ep. 80 - Review "Trance" Documentary on Mind Control (The Cathy O' Brien Story)

Ep. 80 - Review "Trance" Documentary on Mind Control (The Cathy O' Brien Story)

How Does Brain Trauma Help Criminals Control Minds?

Ep. 80 will focus on reviewing the documentary called Trance - Mind Control, Human Slavery, and Healing the Nation - Producer Adrienne Youngblood (A Thousand Pieces, The Observers, A Deep Rig).

Today is about articulating why what happens during a trauma too harsh for our brains to process, is easily used for control by criminals. The more trauma, the better to control someone. Keeping us traumatized works and cult leaders know this. The government does to. What's the connection? Listen in for that.

Pitch for help in all ways. I'm here for 2024!

Season 3 is under way and welcome back to Frankie Files Podcast.

Please share, like, comment and if you can, donate to the show. I'm sticking with reporting on adult children of cults. For me, for us. Being anti-psych means I can't have psych sponsors, which dominates the world of cult podcasts. But telling the truth about what happens to us isn't popular. It will be!

Rating the show and sharing it helps new listeners learn of a show that is researching from a different point of view, one of an adult child of a cult.

Help financially goes to fees, and to offset the long work hours. (Podcasters know)

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Frankie Tease
Frankie Files Podcast
New each Tuesday Mar. -Nov. In The Frankie Files, I use my time as an entertainment writer, my college radio and studies of voice over, as well as my own survival story to shed a light on cults, coercion, sexuality in society and the challenge they present in today's world for any of us who have successfully stayed alive. Especially the cult kids (aka adult children of cults).