Frankie Tease
Frankie Files Podcast
Ep. 90 - Bohemian Grove Through a Slave's Eyes (Who Lived to Tell the Tale)

Ep. 90 - Bohemian Grove Through a Slave's Eyes (Who Lived to Tell the Tale)

Ch. 19-23

As Cathy O'Brien winds us through the new world order madness - we find each stop lined with drugs, the ego of world leaders, sex perversion and underground black ops sites run by the corrupt portion of the U.S. government.

This is the cult of cults. Trafficking is combined with prostitution and message carrying for maximum enslaved mind efficiencies. Must not miss an opportunity to maximize the mother daughter sexploitation, and must use the slave up before age 30. It's coming soon for author Cathy O'Brien the presidential slave who outlived her expiration date and is still talking today.

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Frankie Tease
Frankie Files Podcast
New each Tuesday Mar. -Nov. In The Frankie Files, I use my time as an entertainment writer, my college radio and studies of voice over, as well as my own survival story to shed a light on cults, coercion, sexuality in society and the challenge they present in today's world for any of us who have successfully stayed alive. Especially the cult kids (aka adult children of cults).