Frankie Tease
Frankie Files Podcast
Ep. 91 - Shattering Minds and Memory with the Control Factor of Mother & Daughter

Ep. 91 - Shattering Minds and Memory with the Control Factor of Mother & Daughter

Ch. 24-27

The devastating, demoralizing, sexual slavery and trafficking as a presidential model continues in ch.24-2, with my review of Cathy' O'Brien's story "Trance" the book. It's hard to imagine the state of her physical body under this level of stress, and yet her person got through it and was able to heal. I keep telling myself this as it gets darker. This time, with a formal threat of death from on high, the highest in our land.

It's about seeing the patterns and narratives, and seeing through them now.

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Frankie Tease
Frankie Files Podcast
New each Tuesday Mar. -Nov. In The Frankie Files, I use my time as an entertainment writer, my college radio and studies of voice over, as well as my own survival story to shed a light on cults, coercion, sexuality in society and the challenge they present in today's world for any of us who have successfully stayed alive. Especially the cult kids (aka adult children of cults).