Frankie Tease
Frankie Files Podcast
Ep. 79 - What is Trauma Based Mind Control & Who is Mark Phillips?

Ep. 79 - What is Trauma Based Mind Control & Who is Mark Phillips?

Cult, Occult

Welcome back to FFP.

So glad to be back. In today's episode we'll set up season three, and prepare you for an entire year of goodness. If you are looking to understand the connection between cults and government, start reading the book Trance Formation of America. This is the book we'll talk about for the next three months on this podcast, because it's completely related to the story of every cult kid in America. It's the motherload. Here we go!

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Frankie Tease
Frankie Files Podcast
New each Tuesday Mar. -Nov. In The Frankie Files, I use my time as an entertainment writer, my college radio and studies of voice over, as well as my own survival story to shed a light on cults, coercion, sexuality in society and the challenge they present in today's world for any of us who have successfully stayed alive. Especially the cult kids (aka adult children of cults).