is on Substack now, who is our guest for the 4th Tues. ep. Sheding light on his own Christian College - which he ‘survived’. The podcast brings multiple guests and experts, articulating the nightmarish conditions based in fear & control mixed with limited curriculum and racism. #backtoschool, a series I started last year focusing on cults and education, is Ep.73 on FFP.
Controlling information or depriving learning is a tactic used on many of us cult kids, religion or no.
I will be live tweeting this series soon @frankietease on Twitter (X).
I am starting my first ever Substack thread here as I'll be putting thoughts when I start listening to the entire Ltd. series.
#1 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 -conform & obey in exchange for your security. Nothing wrong w/ group, it can do no wrong, only the individual who's not conforming is a problem. #fundamentalism #fundie #exfundie #apocalypticism fixed beliefs are comforting. False community.
#2 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - be aware of risk of fundamentalism, us vs. them, extremism. Absolute truth with no grey. Good vs. evil - non-believer, evil-doers do not share our beliefs, which breeds prejudice. Black & white thinking, blinds you to other perspectives.
#3 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - authoritarianism... suppression of individual rights and freedoms. You have to learn to question authority and critical thinking. These institutions prioritize obedience over individual autonomy or freedom. ie: Govt., religion, education.
#4 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - More on authoritarian institutions. Need to promote greater transparency, encouraging diverse perspectives and creating an inclusive decision-making process. Anti-intellectual stance = rejection of evidence-based reasoning = dogma only.
#5 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - Higher ed may be discouraged or limited. Psych. of anti-intellectualism: preference for subjective experience over objective analysis. Lack of trust in science - rejection of evidence. Limits growth of individual greatly.
#6 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - Moral superiority. Fundamentalism may lead to justifying violence extreme or otherwise, physical or emotional. Defending other extremists. Cognitive dissonance may ensue. Social influence creates pressure to conform to justifying evil.
#7 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2- We must develop and challenge moral disengagement. - Next: emphasis on fear of sin and eternal punishment. Next: Narcissistic institutions.
#8 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - Focus on profit and power. Lack of transparency, exploitive behavior, silence dissent, prioritize leaders' needs. Social inequality is worsened by Narc Institutions. Now Camille Lewis talks her research on Bob Jones and other places. #IFB
#9 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - Bob Jones gave a white list of churches approved to go to. Jim Berk said "God will shoot at you" if you don't do "this". They create learned helplessness with the confusing doctrine. Whatever you're doing is wrong. Period.
#10 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - The system of snitching - tattling brings the snitch higher up on the ladder, social climbing. Camille Lewis says "it indulges the dysfunction." She talks on Foucault's idea of perfect prison. It causes you to discipline yourself. Complying.
#11 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - The idea that it kills the self is no not yay she continues. Andrew: there's no good thing inside you. Jim Berg and heresy. She speaks of the clone of Satan. :/ When Camille confronted Jim with this teaching he said 'meh'. :/ #sin
#12 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - ... excerpt of a sermon "you are worthless, you will never be anything, this is why you need salvation". Toxic abuse is focused on fear and release cycle. Create the problem, give you a solution. Nicely done, great episode.
1- Time to do some #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 a good cause that turns into a coercive high control group... chains of indoctrination around their minds, leaving means eternal damnation. #dramatic indeed - #truecrime
- history of... #FL
2- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - emphasizing the bible - 1947 Greenville SC. - fundamentalist Christian preacher (Fundamentalist) vs. #Modernism out of Europe/ America. Reason, science, progress. (Godless/Secular)
2a- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - God vs. Evolution = blasphemy 📗 needed to save the world from eternal damnation. Born in AL 1883. Founded the college turned Uni. Preached in the South. Bible is WORD OF GOD. Strict moral code @ uni.
3 (?)- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - #BJU upholds his conservative values to education. ie: racial segregation. Bob Jones Jr. opposed civil rights mvmnt. Uni admits blacks in 70's but remains racist - banning interracial dating. #IRS
4- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - #BJU - George W. Bush lifted ban of interracial dating at BJU. (🙌 ). Uni. promotes narrow and dogmatic world view. Uni. expands curriculum.
5- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - #BJU #LGBTQ are not allowed. Pronouns are not to divert from birth cert. Queer may feel 'ostracized and unwelcome'. Felt 'fear and repression'. BJU says it's committed to traditional Christian beliefs
6- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU - Elizabeth Hunter - joined a lawsuit against Dept. of Ed. for funding BJU. (Gov. funded #lgbtq+ descrimination).
7- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU The Grace Report. (Godly response to abuse in Christian Environment). Widespread evidence of abuse and systemic failure to address it. *Yikes* ⛏️
8- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU - guest speaker (?) tells about the farm they had, producing milk, meat, a small city of theaters, a lake etc. quite self-contained.
9- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU only Bob Jones doctors cared for staff and students. Some unnecessary deaths due to this. A history of Bob Jones Uni. presidents is begun to be listed.
10- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU BJ Sr. was raised in the faith to become a preacher. He was friendly with the K*K.K.
11- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU Guest Camille Lewis - PhD. - student and previous faculty - documentarian - of BJU (Inc). says it has always been political. "Old fashioned Christian #Americanism" (wewh) mouthful there Lewis.
12- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU Guest Camille Lewis - PhD. speaking of racist South behavior. ie South Carolina. More about the IBLP. Pushing the Christian Nationalism. More: Campus arrest - other punishments/restrictions.
13- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU dating and campus dorm and event behavior. #purityculture #straight #christian - 150 demerits = expulsion. #biblicalcounseling Dorm Supervisor highest spiritual role in the dorm. 🎤 #notacult ? 🤔 Prayer cpt. ?! WTF
14- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU campus... Episode one. Wow.. not a cult at all there-over there in South Carolina. No sireee. Definitely not a cult. Well done
Time to for #livetweeting of the ltd. #podcast series #SurvivingBJU with @4ndrewpledger
- here we go. Today I'm listening on YouTube but it's on all apps.
#1 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 -conform & obey in exchange for your security. Nothing wrong w/ group, it can do no wrong, only the individual who's not conforming is a problem. #fundamentalism #fundie #exfundie #apocalypticism fixed beliefs are comforting. False community.
#2 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - be aware of risk of fundamentalism, us vs. them, extremism. Absolute truth with no grey. Good vs. evil - non-believer, evil-doers do not share our beliefs, which breeds prejudice. Black & white thinking, blinds you to other perspectives.
#3 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - authoritarianism... suppression of individual rights and freedoms. You have to learn to question authority and critical thinking. These institutions prioritize obedience over individual autonomy or freedom. ie: Govt., religion, education.
#4 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - More on authoritarian institutions. Need to promote greater transparency, encouraging diverse perspectives and creating an inclusive decision-making process. Anti-intellectual stance = rejection of evidence-based reasoning = dogma only.
#5 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - Higher ed may be discouraged or limited. Psych. of anti-intellectualism: preference for subjective experience over objective analysis. Lack of trust in science - rejection of evidence. Limits growth of individual greatly.
#6 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - Moral superiority. Fundamentalism may lead to justifying violence extreme or otherwise, physical or emotional. Defending other extremists. Cognitive dissonance may ensue. Social influence creates pressure to conform to justifying evil.
#7 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2- We must develop and challenge moral disengagement. - Next: emphasis on fear of sin and eternal punishment. Next: Narcissistic institutions.
#8 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - Focus on profit and power. Lack of transparency, exploitive behavior, silence dissent, prioritize leaders' needs. Social inequality is worsened by Narc Institutions. Now Camille Lewis talks her research on Bob Jones and other places. #IFB
#9 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - Bob Jones gave a white list of churches approved to go to. Jim Berk said "God will shoot at you" if you don't do "this". They create learned helplessness with the confusing doctrine. Whatever you're doing is wrong. Period.
#10 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - The system of snitching - tattling brings the snitch higher up on the ladder, social climbing. Camille Lewis says "it indulges the dysfunction." She talks on Foucault's idea of perfect prison. It causes you to discipline yourself. Complying.
#11 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - The idea that it kills the self is no not yay she continues. Andrew: there's no good thing inside you. Jim Berg and heresy. She speaks of the clone of Satan. :/ When Camille confronted Jim with this teaching he said 'meh'. :/ #sin
#12 #livetweeting #survivingBJU Ep. 2 - ... excerpt of a sermon "you are worthless, you will never be anything, this is why you need salvation". Toxic abuse is focused on fear and release cycle. Create the problem, give you a solution. Nicely done, great episode.
Live tweeting Ep. 1
1- Time to do some #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 a good cause that turns into a coercive high control group... chains of indoctrination around their minds, leaving means eternal damnation. #dramatic indeed - #truecrime
- history of... #FL
2- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - emphasizing the bible - 1947 Greenville SC. - fundamentalist Christian preacher (Fundamentalist) vs. #Modernism out of Europe/ America. Reason, science, progress. (Godless/Secular)
2a- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - God vs. Evolution = blasphemy 📗 needed to save the world from eternal damnation. Born in AL 1883. Founded the college turned Uni. Preached in the South. Bible is WORD OF GOD. Strict moral code @ uni.
3 (?)- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - #BJU upholds his conservative values to education. ie: racial segregation. Bob Jones Jr. opposed civil rights mvmnt. Uni admits blacks in 70's but remains racist - banning interracial dating. #IRS
4- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - #BJU - George W. Bush lifted ban of interracial dating at BJU. (🙌 ). Uni. promotes narrow and dogmatic world view. Uni. expands curriculum.
5- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 Bob Jones Sr. - #BJU #LGBTQ are not allowed. Pronouns are not to divert from birth cert. Queer may feel 'ostracized and unwelcome'. Felt 'fear and repression'. BJU says it's committed to traditional Christian beliefs
6- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU - Elizabeth Hunter - joined a lawsuit against Dept. of Ed. for funding BJU. (Gov. funded #lgbtq+ descrimination).
7- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU The Grace Report. (Godly response to abuse in Christian Environment). Widespread evidence of abuse and systemic failure to address it. *Yikes* ⛏️
8- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU - guest speaker (?) tells about the farm they had, producing milk, meat, a small city of theaters, a lake etc. quite self-contained.
9- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU only Bob Jones doctors cared for staff and students. Some unnecessary deaths due to this. A history of Bob Jones Uni. presidents is begun to be listed.
10- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU BJ Sr. was raised in the faith to become a preacher. He was friendly with the K*K.K.
11- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU Guest Camille Lewis - PhD. - student and previous faculty - documentarian - of BJU (Inc). says it has always been political. "Old fashioned Christian #Americanism" (wewh) mouthful there Lewis.
12- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU Guest Camille Lewis - PhD. speaking of racist South behavior. ie South Carolina. More about the IBLP. Pushing the Christian Nationalism. More: Campus arrest - other punishments/restrictions.
13- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU dating and campus dorm and event behavior. #purityculture #straight #christian - 150 demerits = expulsion. #biblicalcounseling Dorm Supervisor highest spiritual role in the dorm. 🎤 #notacult ? 🤔 Prayer cpt. ?! WTF
14- #livetweeting of #SurvivingBJU Ltd. #podcast . Ep. 1 #BJU campus... Episode one. Wow.. not a cult at all there-over there in South Carolina. No sireee. Definitely not a cult. Well done
See everyone next time. Listen to ep. 1-Google ➡️