During the year of 2022, we saw trials, convictions, documentaries, news articles, tell-all books, and some awareness raised that politics breeds cults too. The UK began implementing laws on coercion, and in New York they lifted the statute of limtations making all sexual crimes fair game for a year, in a social experiment.
Why do I feel this is part of the story here? Because so many cults hide sexual assault in their ranks, including the military. Let me get into our top cult stories in no particular order here.
This year a cult survivor and US Army intelligence offered her story to the world articulating how in two different cults, this type of thing was all too common. Stunning those who dared to read the words told to her like "don't get raped" that by the military and bringing conversations few had boldly had before about systemic abuse in religious settings including trafficking and sex assault.
The courage required to have these discussions should not be ignored and I applaud her. Who is this person? The author was Daniella M. Young (same on Twitter) who took the time to write her memoir "Uncultured" which was widely released via St. Martin's Press in 2022 in USA and Europe. It handled rape culture like no one has before in both Children of God and the US Military. Our interview was quite an experience (Ep. 18 Ssn. One of Frankie Files Podcast).
The next cult on my list is Scientology. A worldwide organization which is facing a triple plaintiff child labor trafficking suit. While this year also saw a rape trial with multiple Jane Does proceed to get tossed out as a mistrial due to some technicality against member Danny Masterson. I guess the glove didn't fit.
The groundbreaking podcast called Fair Game by co-anchors Leah Remini and Mike Rinder did not in fact return as expected in August to their announcement. I would recommend checking into that.
The Epstein Sex Ring Cult saw more news when Ghislane Maxwell was charged with trafficking and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Many are calling for the client lists which are nowhere to be found. This conjectured to involve Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and many more affluent elite.
Netflix documentaries covered the Weigh Down, and the Orgasm Cult called One Taste out of Scilicon Valley area in California, among many others.
La Luz De Mundo was a heart wrenching trial for multiple reasons. The church at 100 years plus, has a practice of child sex trafficking for clergy. This for generations. But while their churches exist in multiple countries and are headquarted in Mexico, it was Los Angeles who finally enacted a conviction of Nasson Joquin Garcia the current leader for child pornography and forced sexual acts, as well as trafficking for 17 years. A rediculously low time. There were issues in trial by the palintiff attorney for the jane does and he got off light on a technicality. The Jane Does wanted a trial at which time he may have received an incredibly harsher sentence. It was truly an abomination.
As is the La Luz Del Mundo Church. There was a brief documentary on this event on HBO Max too. But rumors abound about the people who spoke out. Some of the people claiming abuse also helped in grooming. The story is awful and multi-layered.
NXIVM the Vow Season Two was released and examined some events which were revealed in the trial and some which had not been. Branding, a secret sex cult, and so much financial abuse was in play. Many still believe in the teachings and techniques used in NXIVM, and dismiss that the leader Keith Raneire was convicted it doesn't taint the teachings. People are expecting camps to keep NXIVM going.
In addition - during the federal case the training materials were seized by the government agency. Mmmmmm.... some good coercion stuff in there I bet. NXIVM leader Keith Raneire who’s serving a cool 120 years for multiple federal crimes is enjoying a group of supporters who still have not seen the light. Watching this conditioning of members keep going played out in public is sad indeed. People are worshiping members of leadership of NXIVM still!
In fact- the people who had centers and were teachers still believe in some of the techniques. What we see with NXIVM is dangerous and indeed a cult. Pay attention to this, as there are still so many active believers of this cult who haven't woken up.
Others who got a light shone upon them include Jarod Leto. Who is this guy and why am I including him in cult round up for 2022? There is a bit here to unpack.
Jared Leto is an actor and singer in the band 30 Seconds to Mars. According to Grunge.com "Jared is a bit believer in the power of music to bring people together. "There are chemicals released when people sing together that are similar to the chemicals that are released when people are in love," he told Magazine C. The band set a Guinness World Record for most live shows during a single album cycle in 2011, with 309 concerts.
He released a very disturbing in many ways music video called Hurricane (banned world-wide now). He also played the Joker in a film which was almost completely cut out due to his dark portrayal.
Back to the article."He calls himself a cult leader" Describing Jared Leto as having a cult following isn't just a play on his rock star persona, complete with flowy Jesus hair for deserving of its own Pantene commercial. It's unclear what Jared's religious background is — in a 2016 interview with GQ, he told the publication, "I don't believe in a God who sits in conscious judgment of the actions of humanity." Religion aside, Jared's band has an extremely devout following. His fans (mostly young women) are known as The Echelon and follow him wherever he goes. But he's taken it to the extreme. He now encourages his "fans" to join him on an island he calls "Marslsland." Look into that.
Leto said "Yes, this is a cult," as a way to talk about their loyal fans according to Newsweek jan. of 2023
"It's a joke. 'You have such a cult following'. We have always had incredibly committed people following us. If people like 30 Seconds to Mars, they really, really, really like it," the Morbius actor said in an interview with The New York Times. Oh yah nice cover Let. But inviting fans to a private island in croatia, then dressing everyone (mostly very young people) in white and floating the Jesus hair. This is right in our faces guys.
The underdiscussed Fellowship of Friends or Fourth Way. The ideology came on my radar when I covered the Google incident. First, what is the Fourth Way? from my article on frankietease.substack.com June 21, 2022.
"A 20th century Greek Armenian philosopher and one of his students believed a higher consciousness was possible.The leader claims he had visits from famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Walt Whitman etc.
Forth Way believes that a higher consciousness will be accomplished through fine art. And they have $11 Million worth of art just in ancient Chinese antiques at a Northern California location. They also produce wine. Google buys wine for the department’s social and promotional events. This unfolded to a lot of pressure to one employee to interact with the cult and its products.
An excerpt from the Times reads “The New York Times corroborated many of the lawsuit’s claims through interviews with eight current and former employees of the Google business unit. The suit, which Mr. Lloyd filed in August in California Superior Court, accuses Google and ASG of violating a California employment law that protects workers against discrimination. It is in the discovery stage. Mr. Lloyd claimed he was fired last year because he complained about the influence of the religious sect”.
Liana Shanti has grabbed onto the 4th Way integrating Jesus and many New Age ideas into a curriculum. She wants to heal people of mother or father wounds and Shamaism which she offers certified courses in. She is out of Las Vegas according to her website and offers the following on her website only for one example:
12D B School Is For You If: You Are Ready to learn a NEW WAY of attracting the perfect audience, clients and buyers with ENERGY, ABUNDANCE MINDSET and FLOW - that is $3900 or 10 payments of $449.
Ok so we see what this is all about. Cash. It is new age capitalism just like the church I survived.
Morningland Community is news here because they have reacted to my podcast and reports of family separation and sexual abuse in interviews I've given now public as of 2022. The cult is now in its 50th year and a hold over of the original leaders who are deceased. A lot has happened since I left in 1987 after surviving my 12 years there from 8-to age 22. The female leader deceased in 2003 is buried under the property. Yeah.Not weird at all. I am in contact with members who are not only commenting on the story - but will be interviewed soon. I am looking forward to bringing you a lot more information on this cult.
Larry Ray was also convicted of 60 years on all charges. The man who embedded himself in the townhouse dorm at Sarah Lawrence college under the guise of visiting his daughter fresh out of prison, began working on her college house mates immediately. He created a cult where he was their mentor in all manners of life including money and sex.
I went to Justice.gov to get that quote "Jan. 20, 2023 Larry Was sentenced to 60 years for racketeering conspiracy, violent crime in aid of racketeering, extortion, sex trafficking, forced labor, tax evasion, and money laundering offenses. RAY was sentenced today by United States District Judge Lewis J. Liman after being convicted at trial in April 2022.
I'd like to make a note of what the charges were. Note the word coercion is not used which is how he got them to do stuff. Tricks, lies, and manipulations over a decade where he ruined these young people's lives. They had nothing but hope and studies and degrees and good jobs in front of them and he separated them from their families and destroyed them sadistically. He's a cult leader and he used manipulation and coercion to do it.
This year I hope to see laws about coercion enacted in following suit with the UK. Coercion is in groups or individual relationships, and it's the same tactics used on battered women and prostitutes by pimps or abusive husbands. Cult leaders are abusive, and sometimes they do it all with words. Mine did.
This isn't all cult stories of 2022 by any means. But it is a few our show covered and has been following.
Keep critical thinking and questioning - it's just a healthy state of mind.
Listen to Frankie Tease on these podcasts.
Frankie….I remember you and your sister and your mom. I worked in the print shop with guan. Thanks for telling your story….I always suspected something more was going on….and always wondered why I used to escape to Las Vegas instead of crest line. Thanks for filling in the blanks….